Since surgery last Wednesday, overall Cameron has been doing pretty good. There have been some ups and downs, but that is to be expected. Yesterday, we had a rough day with Cameron's blood pressure dropping. They worked closely with him all day trying to get it where it needed to be and figuring out the cause. They ended up putting him on some antibiotics so they would catch an infection if that was the problem. Today Cameron is having a good day. The doctors/nurses are working at slowly be able to back done on medications and the amount of help he is getting from the breathing machine. As that happens we will soon see tubes and lines start to come off! He is still as cute as can be, just has a lot of tubes. Plus as stuff comes off, that's the closer we are to being able to hold him again. I could go into a lot more detail about everything, but I am not good at trying to explain all this medical stuff. I ask questions so I can learn and understand what's going on.
If anyone would like to know more about hypoplastic left heart syndrome, is a good website with pics of what Cameron's heart looked like and what it now looks like. Once on the site go to complete list of topics and find the right heart defect. Overall, everyone seems very happy and positive about Cameron's progress.
Again thanks for all the prayers! I hope to post more pictures soon.
Joy & Jordan...Pam Clift and Valerie Fisher just gave your blog site. I am so happy that you both are parents now!!!Cameron looks like a big strong baby. Keep the pictures coming. God Bless your new Family!