Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Good Days and Bad Days!

Since I last posted, a lot has happened. On Saturday, I went home to go to a family picnic and Jordan's work picnic. It felt really strange stepping into our house. It didn't seem right to be home without Cameron. By the time we got to Jordan's work picnic, all I wanted to do was get back to Cameron. I could hardly enjoy myself. It wasn't that I was worried about him, my mom and aunt were with him, I just missed him. By the time we got back, Cameron had gotten the breathing tube out. We were so glad and I was happy to be back. I didn't think it was going to be so hard to be away.

On Sunday, Cameron had a good day. They were able to lower his oxygen and also his TPN (IV feeds). By the end of the day his TPN was turned off and his tube feeds of milk were up to 20ml/hr. We also found out that they for sure wanted Cameron on 6 weeks of antibiotics and that he had five weeks to go. We were so excited about his good day and hoped he would moved to step down in a couple days.

When I got to Cameron's room on Monday morning, they were watching his heart closely. His heart rhythm was starting to look irregular. By late morning he had a heart flutter. The top of his heart was beating faster than the bottom. The doctors decided that they needed to shock his heart to restart it. To do this, they wanted him asleep so they had to put the breathing tube back in. I had a really hard time with this, we were so close and this had to happen. Jordan came while they were working on Cameron, I was so glad to see him. By now I was really struggling. He reminded me that God has a purpose for this to happen.

When we got to see Cameron again, the doctors said it went good. The breathing tube was in and when they shocked the heart it returned to normal rhythm. The doctor said that they hoped it was a one time thing, but that if it happened again it could be the new line causing it. The new line is right by the heart and it could tickle it and cause the irregular rhythm. The doctor also said if Cameron did good over night they wanting to take the breathing tube back out.

Cameron's night was good and so at 11:15 this morning he got the breathing tube out. So far he is doing good. I plan to go home in a couple hours for or baby shower.


  1. Joy and Jordan

    We continue to pray for you and Cameron. I'm sure the ups and downs can be so stressful but knowing the Lord is in control can bring comfort. Hope you can enjoy your baby shower!

    Jessica Bertsch (and Ryan)

  2. You guys have been in our thoughts and prayers!
